Bottoms up, petty criminals! We are about to quench your thirst for crime. Trevin airs his grievances about movie theaters, while Amanda finds her bliss—and a scorpion—at Beaver Lake. In "Two Truths and a Lie," discover surprising facts about Margaritas and the Hollywood sign. Plus, join us as we unravel two hilarious stories linked by the ultimate summer accessory: sunglasses. Don't miss out on the summer fun and criminal quenching.
Today's Stories:
A Mouthful of Mischief
The Dark Side of Twinning
(Discussions include: Vacations, lakes, mosquitos, movies, trailers, advertising, sunburn, Doug Funny, Defacing property, Joe Boyett, Mary Sweat, Rodeo Mexican Restaurant, Georgia, Jay and Ray Nugent, mistaken identity, buttchug, evil twins, appropriate celebrations)
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